Sunday, May 22, 2016

Electronics (more Geek stuff)

Each evening's charge, May 2016
Ignoring cameras, here's a list of the electronics we are bringing.

  1. Two iPhones
  2. Two iPads
  3. A Kindle
  4. A Huawei Mobile WiFi Hotspot
  5. A portable disk drive to backup photos from SD cards
  6. Backup battery for all of the above
This stuff pretty much replaces a suitcase full of books, maps, travel documents, travel guides, itineraries, tickets, directions, etc. It's much smaller and lighter than the old stuff, but has to be plugged in each evening. Which means it comes with a load of wall plug adapters, chargers and cables.

Six of them plug into USB ports, and we'll have enough ports available to charge five at one time. The Kindle probably won't need charging very often, if at all.

Four plug into normal wall outlets, including the USB charger and big camera body charger shown on the lower right. I don't expect to need the two small camera battery chargers. We'll have five US outlets available from the one Euro outlet adaptor and the Accell multi-adaptor shown above. So we should be able to blow the fuse on a single line in each hotel room with no problem at all.


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